Wednesday, February 25


Awww, I wanna be a Wombat!
I wanna be a wombat!
::Crosses fingers::

Your result for The Which Marsupial Are You Test...


Congratulations! You scored 21!

You're a Wombat! You spend your days wrestling and living underground. You have big scary claws, but would never hurt a fly, cause you're squishy and lovable. People like you because you look and act silly. Wombats seem a bit scary at first, so it takes time for people to get to know you. Once your humor breaks the ice though, everyone wants a piece of you and your big fat belly. Most Wombats become ice cream truck drivers or stand up comics.

Take The Which Marsupial Are You Test
at HelloQuizzy

Awwwww, loookie!
I'm so cute:)
Love me!

Ps: Renting myself as a muse!

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