Monday, September 15

I suck

Today I had German class(I had missed the last two)
And guess what??
I get to the train station and..........Black spots..
..I was in line to the my ticket and couldn't breath....there was this kid in front of me (6 or 7) and he couldn't find all his coins(and was taking sooooo long to do it) and I felt cold chills on my back...And suddenly I'm grabbing the side wall (sounding like an asthmatic kid)
So I left the line(slowly) and luckily there is this park just next to the station so I collapse on the first back I found!!
I popped like half a tablet of sugar pills(gross) and drank my bottle of juice...and just rested my eyes(for about an hour and a half)...
Then this gut came and started smoking pot two banks down and pouting this weird music while he yelled at his woman....So I bolted (like a snail) but I left.

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