Sunday, November 30

NaNo Character: Cameron Blake Windsor

Cameron Blake Windsor
He is a poli-sci mayor. Lives in a house of Campus with Jason, Tommy and Tyler.
Cam is very clean and anal retentive.
He likes authority, is a TA and works for the Dean of Ethics. He is a great cook, he taught Tyler how to cool
Cam likes rich and pretty things, is utterly in love with Tomas and has no clue what to do.
Often called a modern day GQ type.
Play by the rules…Is the ruling champion of debates matters. Is trusted by the administration portion of the college.
And is the poor boy who gets stuck in the campus lies and intrigues.
He grabs love and holds on to it.
Cameron Blake is very bashful and doesn't want to attract attention to himself, but look out if yo hurt his friends.

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